Earn Big with The New Tafabot's Leadership Rewards System!

As a Tafabot user, you know that our smart trading bot has helped you make significant profits in the crypto market. But we're not stopping there - we want to help you earn even more with our newly updated compensation plan!

2023-05-04 09:35:11 - Tafabot Media

(140% Team Bonuses Expanded into 15 Generations! & More)

We're thrilled to announce that we're expanding our rewards across all bonuses from 3 to 15th generations and this includes the Team sales bonus which comes from a license purchase from members in your network, Teamprofit bonus which comes from Tafafuel paid by traders within your network and also Teamupgrade bonus which comes from users within your network upgrading from lower license to a higher license.

This means more potential for passive income as you build your network.

5 ways to earn with Tafabot

1- Direct Bonus

You can earn a fixed bonus of 20% for each new user you refer directly, and there's no limit to how many people you can refer.

2- Team Bonus

These are a series of bonuses you can earn from your entire network over 15 unlimited generations, it includes Team Sales Bonus, Team Profit Bonus and Team Upgrade Bonus.

Team Sales Bonus:

Previously, you would earn a 30% team sales bonus from license fees distributed through 3 generations. But now, you can earn a whopping 40% team sales bonus from license fees distributed over 15 generations. With more users in your network and potential network, your passive income can continue to grow as you build your portfolio.

Team Profit Bonus:

Not only that but the team profit bonus has also been expanded. It used to be 40% of Tafafuel paid by users across 15 generations, but now it's an impressive 80% of Tafafuel paid by users in your network, spread over 15 generations. This means even more potential for earning as your network keeps growing.

Team Upgrade Bonus:

And if that's not enough, we've also expanded the upgrade bonus. Previously, you would earn 20% directly from users upgrading their licenses. But now, this bonus is expanded through 15 generations. So, whenever users within your network or potential network upgrade to higher licenses, you can continue to earn from their upgrades, contributing to your growing portfolio.

In simple terms, this means more opportunities for you to earn passive income as the users in your network keep trading and upgrading licenses. With more generations included in our bonuses, your potential for earning is greater than ever.

You can unlock amazing rewards as you grow your network and achieve Steel, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Emerald level, check out these rewards Here.

3- Mirror Bonus

By owning a mirror, you have the potential to earn a profit fee of up to 2% from users who replicate your mirror. It's possible for anyone to own a mirror, regardless of their crypto experience. To become eligible to publish your mirror, simply attend the daily live trading session at 5:00 pm Dubai Time, copy the trade setup to your Tafabot account, and invite your community to follow and replicate the setup.

Check out our video tutorial to learn how to copy a mirror, and join our Telegram channel to receive notifications when the live trading session starts. You can find the link to the live trading session on Zoom below.

Live Trading Session link

4- Renewal Bonus

Renewal bonuses are earned whenever someone in your network renews their annual license, you earn direct and team bounces.

5- Lifestyle Bonus

Once you achieve any of the Steel, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, or Emerald levels, you become eligible for a variety of rewards such as luxury trips to Dubai, high-end cars, Dubai Golden visas, or even owning a flat in Dubai! You can explore our Compensation Plan to discover how you can unlock these incredible rewards.

So why wait? Take advantage of Tafabot's updated compensation plan now and start earning more from your referrals and their trading activity.

Sign up (If you haven’t) but more importantly, go ahead and refer your friends to join Tafabot.

Check our new Compensation Plan for detailed information.

Check out the Tafabot founders announcing this exciting news here!

Happy Trading with Tafabot!

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